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主頁 > 註冊球員資訊 > 續會
閱讀條款 Read the Terms >> 登入 Login >> 修改個人資料 Modify Personal Information >> 會藉資料 Membership Information >> 網上付款 Online Payment

1. 會藉列表 Membership Schedule


Membership Category

One Year

Two Years

Three Years

Junior & Adult




長者 (六十歲或以上)
Elderly (Age 60 or above)




Registration Card Replacement


The registered player can participate in activities held by the Association. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of participants, there is a chance that a lottery will be required to decide whether the application is accepted. For details, please refer to the relevant event regulations.

2. 申請人必須持有︰
a) 香港居民身分證 或
b) 香港出生證明書
2. Applicant must possess the documentations listed below.
a) HKID or
b) HK Birth Certificate
Please send the registeration form by mail if you do not have photocopy of HKID or HK Birth Certificate.

3. 申請人如提供非本港郵寄地址,恕不郵寄註冊球員證及宣傳資料。
3. No membership card and information will be sent by post if a non-local mailing address is provided.

4. 申請人所提供的資料,只作本會活動之用。除授權職員外,將不會提供予其他人士。
4. Personnel details submitted by the applicant will be used for HKTTA internal use only, and will not be distributed to other third parties.

5. 申請人需遵守「中國香港運動禁藥管理有限公司」之運動禁藥規條及條例。詳情請瀏覽
5. Applicant must obey the rules and regulations of the Anti-Doping Organization of Hong Kong, China Limited. For details please visit

6. 本會有積分之註冊球員,其姓名及積分排名將於本會網頁排名榜中公布。
6. For registered players who have accumulated scores in the ranking system, the registered players' names and scores will be published on the HKTTA website.

7. 凡本會之註冊球員如要求終止會籍後,又於同年度內再度申請註冊者,除原應繳付的註冊費用外,本會另將徵收行政費港幣五百元正。
7. For players who terminate their membership and wish to re-register again in the same calendar year, an additional $500 administration charge is required.

8. 申請人的個人資料(如通訊地址,聯絡電話)如有更改,請立刻登入本會網頁修改。
8. Please log onto the HKTTA website to update your personal details (such as correspondence address, phone number), should there be any changes.

9. 本人願意加入中國香港乒乓總會成為註冊球員,並謹遵守其一切條例及規章。
9. I agree to be the registered player of the Hong Kong, China Table Tennis Association and observe all the rules and regulations stipulated by the Association.

10. 本會不會將申請人的個人資料售賣、租借或發放給任何本會以外的第三者。
10. We do not sell, rent, or lend to anyone, all contact details, and information of our members.

11. 所有付款並不設退款服務。
11. All payments are not refundable.

12. 閣下應明白並同意,任何瀏覽「中國香港乒乓總會」網站的人士,須自行承擔一切風險,本會不會負責任何因瀏覽或使用本網站而引起之損失或破壞。
12. Browsing or using the services provided by Hong Kong, China Table Tennis Association is solely at your own risk. We do not responsible for any loss or damage thus caused, including any losses and damage caused by the downloading of materials or otherwise obtained through the use of the services provided by us.

13. 本會承諾力求網站內容之準確性及完整性,但內容如有錯誤或遺漏,則不會承擔任何賠償責任。
13. We agree to maintain the accuracy and the comprehensiveness of the content, but does not guarantee that it is error-free or without any defects, and is therefore not liable to any indemnification thus caused.

14. 除非事先得到本會的授權,否則嚴禁複製、改編、分發、發布或提供本網站內的資訊作商業用途。
14. Any reproduction, adaptation, distribution, dissemination or making available of the information available within this Website for commercial use is strictly prohibited unless prior approval is obtained from HKTTA.

15. 網上付款服務由「傳款易」提供。利用最新及最先進的128-bit SSL 加密技術,您的個人資料輸送均會有全面保障,防止不法分子入侵及盜用。
15. The online transaction processing is provided by PayDollar using the highest commercially available encryption technology - 128-bit SSL encryption. All confidential information is automatically encrypted before it is transmitted, to protect the data from being read and interpreted.

16. 我們使用「曲奇」(即cookies,當你進入某個網站時,網站伺服器傳送到你電腦瀏覽器, 並儲存在電腦硬件中的少量資料)以令你會員登記系統中更方便。大部份的瀏覽器皆自動接受「曲奇」。你也可以在你電腦的"preference"或"option"「選項」 上選擇不接受「曲奇」。如果你選擇不接受「曲奇」,你將無法繼續進行,但你仍可以 瀏覽我們網站的部份網頁。
16. We use cookies in order to improve membership registration system process. Cookies are small pieces of information that your web browser stores on your computer when you visit a website. Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You can disable cookies on your computer by indicating this in the preferences or options menus in your browser. If you disable cookies, you will not be able to complete member registration system but will still be able to visit selected areas of the site.

我已閱讀並同意以上條款 I have read and agree with the terms above.