About the Stadium 場館簡介

Opened in 1980, the Queen Elizabeth Stadium (the "Stadium") is Hong Kong's premier multi-purpose venue located in the heart of Wan Chai that provides the public with a chance to view and participate in sports, recreation and culture, all under the same roof.

伊利沙伯體育館 簡稱伊館,坐落於灣仔區中心地帶,一九八零年啟用,為市民提供多用途的表演和練習場地,是香港首屈一指的文娛康體綜合場館。

Address 地址:

18 Oi Kwan Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong   香港灣仔愛群道十八號

General enquiries 一般查詢:

(852) 2591 1346

Fax 傳真號碼:

(852) 2803 5794 / (852) 2364 7446

Box Office 票務查詢:

(852) 2314 7702